Spiritual healing covers a broad spectrum of healing modalities. The common factor is that healing originates from the spiritual dimension as opposed to the physical,mental or emotional.

Spiritual healing is primarily focused on healing the soul rather than the physical body per se. While physical healing will often follow spiritual healing, there are also times where spiritual healing is simply focused on assisting the soul to transition more peacefully.

Spiritual healing covers modalities as diverse as healing through prayer,meditation, energetic healing and psychic surgery. From a spiritual perspective, spiritual healing is the most important type of healing since the soul persists across physical incarnations while the physical body does not.

Every type of healing has pros and cons so it would be unfair to elevate spiritual healing above other forms of healing. The healing that is most appropriate for any given situation depends very much on the outcome the client is looking for and the personal affinities of the client.

It is difficult for an atheist to experience a successful spiritual healing since this would contradict some of the client’s core beliefs about life. Healing always originates from within. This is as true for spiritual healing as it is true for any other healing modality.