Every Human Being is a Spiritual Being having a human experience.

Many humans have forgotten this fundamental truth. At best they think of themselves as human beings having a spirit.

There is however a fundamental difference between being a Spiritual Being in Human form and simply being Human and having a spirit.

Spirit or consciousness is our fundamental nature. This is often forgotten by many of our brothers and sisters due to two fundamental reasons. The first obstacle is the human mind, both conscious and unconscious. These are the two veils often referred to in ancient spiritual texts. Our mind is very powerful but it tends to dominate when not controlled. Most people end up identifying with the ego, which is the personality structure the mind creates.

The second major obstacle in staying conscious of our true spiritual nature is the constant feedback received from parents and friends, reinforcing our physical nature and invalidating anything non-physical.

The Human Trinity of Mind, Body and Spirit is often highly distorted. Our Soul or spirit is too often enslaved by the mind and the body. In our natural state the Soul is in charge of all our decision making. The challenge for many is to return to this natural, soul-centred state.